North American Sea Shells
This is, by
far, the most comprehensive and complete poster on seashells
ever published. Magnificent illustrations accurately portray
140 specimens, all accompanied by captions citing common
name, biological name, size and where they are found. There
are over 100,000 mollusks, so extensive research went into
selecting the species to be shown. They include
representatives from all major biological groups. Special
care was taken to show the most common shells - the ones
often found on American beaches - and those widely available
in shell and souvenir shops. Often the only difference
between species is color and the design pattern. Thus this
poster is also very helpful in identifying species that are
not shown. This is a truly beautiful poster that makes a
handsome addition to any decor. It also provides an easy way
for the novice collector to quickly identify the results of
his beachcombing. |
24" x 36". Full-color
No. GA670-NA. Only $9.95
No. GA670-NB. Only $12.95